onsdag 6 februari 2013

Cupcake Mössa!

- Worsted weight yarn in cream and brown. I used Ashland Bay Montana 100% Targhee wool yarn doubled up for the main part of the hat and Loops & Threads Impeccable Yarn in soft taupe for the bottom part of the cupcake. If you are using a regular worsted weight yarn like Vanna's Choice you only need to use one strand (don't double up).
- Size H crochet hook
- Tapestry needle
- Colored yarn scraps for the sprinkles
- Red worsted weight yarn for the cherry

Magic Ring= Find the tutorial HERE
ST= Stitch
SC= Single Crochet
DC= Double Crochet
FPHDC= Front Post Half Double Crochet
BPHDC= Back Post Half Double Crochet

Cupcake Hat Pattern:

Size: 0-3 months
Magic Ring, chain 1, 9 HDC in ring, join, chain 1
Round 2: Work 2 HDC into each st around, join, chain 1 (18 HDC)
Round 3: 2 HDC in first stitch, HDC in next, Repeat around, join, chain 1 (27 HDC)
Round 4: 2 HDC in first stitch, HDC in next 2, Repeat around, join, chain 1 (36 HDC)
Round 5: 2 HDC in first stitch, HDC in next 3, Repeat around, join, chain 1 (45 HDC)
Round 6-9: HDC in each stitch around, join, chain 1 (chain 3 at the end of round 9) (45 HDC)
Now you are going to make the shell edge...
Round 10: Make 4 DC in the same stitch as your chain 3, skip 2 stitches, SC, skip 2 stitches, *make 5 DC's all in one stitch, skip 2 stitches, SC, skip 2 stitches, repeat from * the rest of the way around. Join to bottom of chain 3. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Round 11: Now it gets a little complicated. You are going to want to switch colors to brown (or whatever you are using for the base of the cupcake) and join the yarn to round 9 (not the shell edge). You will have to flip the shell edge up and look for the row of stitches from round 9. Chain 1 and HDC in each stitch around, join, chain 1. (You should end up with 45 HDC) It should look like this:

Round 12-14: FPHDC in first stitch, BPHDC in next, repeat around, join, chain 1
Here is a video tutorial on how to make the FPHDC and BPHDC:

Now begin on first earflap as written below.

Earflap 1:
Chain 1, SC in next 10, chain 1, turn
Row 2: SC decrease, SC in next 6, SC decrease, chain 1, turn
Row 3: SC across (8 SC)
Row 4: SC decrease, SC in next 4, SC decrease, chain 1, turn
Row 5: SC across ( 6 SC)
Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 2, SC decrease, chain 1, turn
Row 7: SC across (4 SC)
Row 8: Make 2 SC decreases, chain 1, turn
Row 9: SC decrease, fasten off, weave in ends

Earflap 2:
Leave 15 stitches in front
Join yarn, chain 1, SC in next 10, chain 1, turn
Row 2: SC decrease, SC in next 6, SC decrease, chain 1, turn
Row 3: SC across (8 SC)
Row 4: SC decrease, SC in next 4, SC decrease, chain 1, turn
Row 5: SC across ( 6 SC)
Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 2, SC decrease, chain 1, turn
Row 7: SC across (4 SC)
Row 8: Make 2 SC decreases, chain 1, turn
Row 9: SC decrease, and continue to SC around hat and earflaps, when you get to the top of each earflap: chain 40 (or as long/short as you wish), slip stitch in 2nd chain from hook and the rest of the way down the chain. Continue to SC around the hat and fasten off when you get the entire way around.

Crochet Cherry Pattern:
Magic Ring, chain 1, make 6 SC inside the magic ring, pull tight and continue to SC in rounds (do not join) use a stitch marker if needed.
Round 2: 2 SC in each stitch around (12 SC)
Round 3-4: SC in each stitch around (12 SC)
Round 5: *SC decrease, SC, repeat from * the rest of the way around, join, and fasten off leaving long tail.
You should now have an opening at the end that you will need to stuff with extra yarn or a small amount of poly-fil. Use the long tail to sew the cherry onto the top of the hat.

Use scrapes of colored yarn (I used red, orange, mustard yellow, turquoise, light pink and purple) and with your tapestry needle, sew the yarn on in random spots so they look like long sprinkles.

tisdag 5 februari 2013



- Svarta Fåret Tilda (fg 46 mörkröd, fg 584 skogsgrön )

- Virknål 3 mm

- Synål

- stoppning

- ståltråd (1 st per ros)

- piprensare (1 st per ros)


sm - smygmaska

m – maska

lm – luftmaska

fm – fastmaska

hst – halv stolpe

st – stolpe

dst – dubbelstolpe

trst – trippelstolpe

picot – 2 lm, fm i andra lm från nålen

v – varv(et)

r – rad(en)

** - upprepa från * till * varvet ut

(5) – siffran anger hur många maskor du ska ha efter varvets slut



Med mörkröd

80 lm, börja virka i tredje lm: hst i varje lm, vänd arbetet (78)

R2-R3 – 1 lm, hst i varje m (78)

R4 – (2 lm, 4 st, 2 lm, sm)*3 ggr, (2 lm, 6 st, 2 lm, sm)*2 ggr, (3 lm, 7 dst, 3 lm, sm)*2 ggr, (4 lm, 7 trst, 4 lm, sm)*3 ggr, 4 lm, 8 trst, 4 lm, sm

Rulla ihop blomman med de första virkade bladen från R4 i mitten, limma eller sy efterhand så att blomman inte rullar upp igen


Med skogsgrönt

2 lm, 6 fm i andra lm från nålen (alt. 6 fm i en magisk ring/loop)  (6)

V2-V52 - fm i varje m                           (6)

V53 - *1 fm, 2 fm i nästa m*               (9)

V54 – fm i varje m                               (9)

V55 - *2 fm, 2 fm i nästa m*               (12)

V56-V57 – fm i varje m                        (12)

V58 – *sm, (4 lm, sm i andra lm, fm i tredje lm, hst i fjärde lm), sm* (5 blad)

V59 – sm i varje m på varv 57             (12)

Trä i piprensare och ståltråd i stjälken, stoppa knoppen lätt med bomull eller vadd

Blad (gör 3):

Med skogsgrön

10 lm, med början i andra lm från nålen

V1 – 3 fm, 4 hst, fm, 3 fm i sista lm, fortsätt virka på motsatt sida, fm, 4 hst, 3 fm

V2 – 2 fm i nästa m, 2 fm, 4 hst, 2 fm, (fm, picot, fm) i samma m, 2 fm, 4 hst, 2 fm, 2 fm i nästa m


Sy fast bladen på stjälken och sy därefter fast blomman

lördag 2 februari 2013


0-3 månader.
Varv 1: gör 4 luftmaskor och förena till en ring. Alternativt gör 6 fastmaskor i en magisk cirkel och hoppa till varv 3. 

varv 2: gör 6 fastmaskor i ringen. ( om du gjorde 4 lm till en ring-varianten, gjorde du magiska-ring-varianten  kan du hoppa över detta varvet)

Varv 3: 2 fm i varje maska (12 fm)

Varv 4: (2 fm i nästa maska, 1 fm i nästa maska) upprepa 6 ggr, (18 fm)

Varv 5: (2 fm i nästa maska, 1 fm var i de nästa 2 maskorna) 6 ggr (24 fm)

Varv 6: (2 fm i nästa maska, 1 fm var i de nästa 3 maskorna) 6 ggr (30 fm)

Varv 7: (2 fm i nästa maska, 1 fm i de nästa 4 maskorna) 6 ggr (36 fm).

Varv 8: gör 3 luftmaskor (räknas som första stolpen), en stolpe i samma maska, en luftmaska och sedan två stolpar till i samma maska, *hoppa över 3 maskor. (2 stolpar, 1 lm, 2 stolpar) i nästa maska*. upprepa från * till * varvet runt. Sammanfoga överst i lm-raden i början på varvet.

Varv 9: Smygmaskor till lm-mellanrummet mellan stolparna, ( 3 lm o 1 stople, 1 lm, 2 stolpar ) i första lm-mellanrummet, (2 stolpar, 1 lm, 2 stolpar) i alla lm-mellanrum varvet runt.

Varv 10-14: upprepa varv 9.

Varv 15-16: 1 fm i varje maska varvet runt.

Jag använde mig av jubileumsgarn och virknål nr 5.